
Bamf News 8 December 2008

If this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html 

Brussels, December 2008

2008 is a great year, 2009 will be the great challenge.

As we look back to 2008, it is a very successful year.

The Voisin de Caters is now completed and displayed at the Royal Army Museum thanks to the tenacity of the Museum management. The aircraft is now the centerpiece of a display dedicated to aerostation and to Pierre de Caters, the first belgian pilot.

The organization of the exhibition was in the expert hands of the Museum staff and although the Bamf was not the project leader, our members provided a valuable assistance to this project :

  • Our sponsor, the Hexcel company provided us with the raw material to manufacture the radiator.

  • We found the rear wheels.

  • We found the booms.

  • We provided advice for the final installation of the aircraft and checked out the technical feasibility.

  • Our members acted as advisors for finding the expert partners for the wing’s covering. Some visits permitted to answer our partner’ questions.

  • We designed the presentation panels for the engines displayed and for the replica. The Museum printed these panels.

  • We restored a Bleriot scale model.

  • We prepared publications on the project and helped to spread the information produced by the Public Relations of the Museum.

  • We produced picture CD’s and drawings sets.

  • In the previous years, the bamf already provided a financial assistance to manufacture the lower wings with our partner, Etablissements Poncelet.

Although taking part in a multi discipline team from different organizations is as complicated in a public establishment as well as in the private industry, the project was successful and a amazing experience for the Bamf.

The Museum was also very active in a lot of other activities in 2009. An Avro Anson and a Bristol Sycamore were acquired. Although the Anson will need an in deep restoration but this is a unique witness of Sabena history which entered the collections. The Sycamore was a unique opportunity to fill a gap in the use of helicopters in the Belgian Armed forces. The Auster was finely refurbished by the Museum teams and both the Halberstadt and the Lysander restorations are well underway. Some aircraft, specially the WW2 Allied aircrafts were repositioned to offer a new view to the public. Lighting was also installed in the WW1 gallery. There are Museum’s projects lead by the Museum staff and a very significant sight of a renewed enthusiasm in the Air & Space Hall. Our contributions to these projects were limited to provide as much support as possible spreading the information thru our revamped website or by our members working as advisors. We thank the Museum, his management and its personal for the confidence in the support we can provide.

On other fronts, we continue our traditional activities and started new initiatives. We provided printers to the Historical team, one of these is now serving the visitors at the library. We still host with pleasure the André Dillien’s lists or the website of the “Belgians in Saaf & Raf 1940-1945”. It is very motivating to be associated with such a successfully team.

We started publishing the drawings of Dragan Saler & André Hiernaux. We financed three paintings by Claude Lesoil to illustrate the B-25 and the de Caters. The positive reactions of the public encourage us to go ahead with these activities.

On the public relations side, we continue to maintain and develop our worldwide network. We displayed the “B-25 circus” at the Melsbroek open days, being visited by General Van Caelenberg & Minister De Crem. This event permitted to strengthen our relations with our dutch colleagues. We were also present at Le Bourget and La Ferté-Allais with our friends of Memorial Flight and Jet Alpine. We received the strong support of Sabca and we will help to introduce the history of this company to the visitors of the Museum.

Last but not least, our restorers were also working as bees. The first Tipsy is seeing the end of her restoration and the second one is now a very active workplace. The team working on the Dragon is completing the fuselage, an obscure and long run job but this is the price to pay for excellence. The Storch is just waiting for a few panels to be completed.

Our masterpiece remains the Mitchell with a quite lot of work performed in 2008. The aircraft was prepared for the anti corrosion process in Lokeren. As much as possible of the equipment was removed from the aircraft. The process should normally be completed in January 2009. An insurance contract was signed for the volunteers who work on the aircraft. The worldwide hunt for parts is now open.

We thank all our sponsors, partners, friends and members who made this year 2008 so rewarding.

For sure, 2009 will be a challenging year as the rhythm of the projects will speed up and the need for resources will increase.

We hope the Museum will continue to evolve in the same dynamic way as in 2008. We already heard of renovation works in the premises but this time taking in account a professional communication and access for the public.

We know the economic situation will also be very difficult. Your support is so more important in 2009 than never before. For those providing us with a gift of 50 Euro or more, we have prepared two albums depicting the de Caters aircraft and the “making of” of the construction of this aircraft.

By making a donation please do not forget to mention the project which you support and which album you will be pleased to receive. We really need you. The collections need your support. You do contribute to expand our common heritage

Do not hesitate to visit us at www.bamf.be or at the Museum every Saturday.

Merry Christmas & Happy New year

Cordially yours

To be kept informed, join our mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/bamg/web/faq

Donation by paypal at http://www.bamf.be/donation.htm



Visit us at www.bamf.be


Brussels Air Museum Foundation a.s.b.l / v.z.w.. c/o Royal Army Museum Parc du Cinquantenaire/Jubelpark, 3 1000 Brussels

Bank Account ING 310-1844762-05 IBAN: BE96310184476205 BIC: BBRUBEBB

ISSN 1782-3951



If this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html
Provided to you by the Brussels Air Museum Foundation (www.bamf.be ) and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm
News 14/12/2008
Hello World,
What a cold week ! 
The web sites of the Belgians in RAF & SAAF 1940-1945 is updated. There is now more than 50 logbooks ready in digital format. André has also a very interesting contact with an author working on 541 Sq where a lot of Belgians flow. The result is we received a copy of the ORB of this squadron.
Gregory published an very article about Offenberg in Aérojournal. Flypast contains another very good article about the Fairey Battle.
Vincent has painted the fuselage of the Tipsy Trainer and Nicolas & Michele made a lot of progresses in the cockpit of the Dragon Rapide.

Hoping to see you soon
Tipsy Trainer
Royal Army Museum - Air & Space Hall - Brussels -
Dec 13, 2008
Here are some pictures taken during the restoration of the Tipsy. See more at http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/tipsy/Tipsy-en.htm
If you are having problems viewing this album, copy and paste the following into your browser:
Please note : The Sabena 2009 Calendar is still availlable at the shop
Couverture Aéro-journal n°7 : 1942, La Luftwaffe stratégie de l' échec en méditerranée

Aérojournal : Histoire de la guerre aérienne Aérojournal n °7

Jean offenberg

On l'appelait «le Pyker

Jean Offenberg, dit « le Pyker », est l’un des tout meilleurs pilotes belges de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Commandant d’un Flight du N° 145 Squadron, il est le premier aviateur belge décoré de la DFC. Quand il rejoint le 609 pour prendre le commandement d’un Flight rassemblant ses compatriotes, il est surtout chargé de former les jeunes recrues. Sans son décès accidentel prématuré, il aurait figuré en tête du palmarès des as belges.

see http://www.aero-journal.com/enkiosque.htm

Now availlable A new book on Pierre de Caters . 'Baron de Caters - Een leven vol beweging’ by Guy de Caters is now availlable (published on December 8th by the Heemkring De Drie Rozen. The book contains around 120 pages in 21 x 29,7 cm format.  This biography of the first Belgian aviator  contains documents from the familly archives never published before. One of the most renowned specialist of pioneers aviation collaborated in this project.
You can order your copy. The price will be 19,50 EUR.
Please add 3,50 EUR (for Belgium) for postage cost. Full details at
Current & Future Events
Aviation Aces 
November 13, 2008  until end of april 2009  
See more at Museum Agenda
De Caters exhibition at the Museum
De Caters exhibition in 's-Gravenwezel
A B-25 back in Belgium



We would like to reinforce the B-25 restoration Team.

For this purpose, the bamf is currently contracting insurance for 12 restorers. The restoration activities have already started and will soon enter greater scale operations. Although we are looking for persons with technical knowledge in aircraft restoration, we want also give the opportunity to unexperienced volunteers to join the project on a benevolent basis.

If you are motivated to work on a WW2 aircraft, please contact Nicolas at nicolas.godfurnon@skynet.be 

You can learn more about the project at http://www.bamfbamrs.be/B25/B25-en.htm

WW1 German Radio Equipment : David <mailto:davidpyker@hotmail.com> is looking for information on radio equipments used on German Aircraft during Word War 1. If you have any information or references where he can search please contact him.


Fox Moth OO-ENC colours : Carl Gootzen <Carl.Gootzen@scarlet.be> is looking for the colours of the De Havilland Fox Moth OO-ENC used by Guy Hansez for flight from Antwerp to Congo in the Thirties. This aircraft is still extent in New Zealand. Carl has found a newspapers article speaking of red wings. In the UK, the aircraft was painted in a blue and red scheme. Some of the fine scale models on display in the Stampe Museum were build by Carl. Please if you any idea where the information can be found contact Carl or us.


Marquain Aerodrome BOSTA 6 of BOGHOL 5 1918 I have been trying to find out the details of the aerodrome at Marquain, Belgium in 1918. I believe it was the home of BOSTA 6 of BOGHOL 5, a German bomber unit operatingthe Friedrichshafen GIIIa. I have been struggling to find anyone in the UK who could help me and wondered if you might either have anyinformation or be able to refer me to someone in Belgium who might be able to help. Many thanks Mike Andrew Manchester UK  Mike.Andrew@MAELbox.com


To join us, see

News 14/12/2008

If this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html
Provided to you by the Brussels Air Museum Foundation (www.bamf.be ) and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm
News 14/12/2008
Hello World,
What a cold week ! 
The web sites of the Belgians in RAF & SAAF 1940-1945 is updated. There is now more than 50 logbooks ready in digital format. André has also a very interesting contact with an author working on 541 Sq where a lot of Belgians flow. The result is we received a copy of the ORB of this squadron.
Gregory published an very article about Offenberg in Aérojournal. Flypast contains another very good article about the Fairey Battle.
Vincent has painted the fuselage of the Tipsy Trainer and Nicolas & Michele made a lot of progresses in the cockpit of the Dragon Rapide.

Hoping to see you soon
Tipsy Trainer
Royal Army Museum - Air & Space Hall - Brussels -
Dec 13, 2008
Here are some pictures taken during the restoration of the Tipsy. See more at http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/tipsy/Tipsy-en.htm
If you are having problems viewing this album, copy and paste the following into your browser:
Please note : The Sabena 2009 Calendar is still availlable at the shop
Couverture Aéro-journal n°7 : 1942, La Luftwaffe stratégie de l' échec en méditerranée

Aérojournal : Histoire de la guerre aérienne Aérojournal n °7

Jean offenberg

On l'appelait «le Pyker

Jean Offenberg, dit « le Pyker », est l’un des tout meilleurs pilotes belges de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Commandant d’un Flight du N° 145 Squadron, il est le premier aviateur belge décoré de la DFC. Quand il rejoint le 609 pour prendre le commandement d’un Flight rassemblant ses compatriotes, il est surtout chargé de former les jeunes recrues. Sans son décès accidentel prématuré, il aurait figuré en tête du palmarès des as belges.

see http://www.aero-journal.com/enkiosque.htm

Now availlable A new book on Pierre de Caters . 'Baron de Caters - Een leven vol beweging’ by Guy de Caters is now availlable (published on December 8th by the Heemkring De Drie Rozen. The book contains around 120 pages in 21 x 29,7 cm format.  This biography of the first Belgian aviator  contains documents from the familly archives never published before. One of the most renowned specialist of pioneers aviation collaborated in this project.
You can order your copy. The price will be 19,50 EUR.
Please add 3,50 EUR (for Belgium) for postage cost. Full details at
Current & Future Events
Aviation Aces 
November 13, 2008  until end of april 2009  
See more at Museum Agenda
De Caters exhibition at the Museum
De Caters exhibition in 's-Gravenwezel
A B-25 back in Belgium



We would like to reinforce the B-25 restoration Team.

For this purpose, the bamf is currently contracting insurance for 12 restorers. The restoration activities have already started and will soon enter greater scale operations. Although we are looking for persons with technical knowledge in aircraft restoration, we want also give the opportunity to unexperienced volunteers to join the project on a benevolent basis.

If you are motivated to work on a WW2 aircraft, please contact Nicolas at nicolas.godfurnon@skynet.be 

You can learn more about the project at http://www.bamfbamrs.be/B25/B25-en.htm

WW1 German Radio Equipment : David <mailto:davidpyker@hotmail.com> is looking for information on radio equipments used on German Aircraft during Word War 1. If you have any information or references where he can search please contact him.


Fox Moth OO-ENC colours : Carl Gootzen <Carl.Gootzen@scarlet.be> is looking for the colours of the De Havilland Fox Moth OO-ENC used by Guy Hansez for flight from Antwerp to Congo in the Thirties. This aircraft is still extent in New Zealand. Carl has found a newspapers article speaking of red wings. In the UK, the aircraft was painted in a blue and red scheme. Some of the fine scale models on display in the Stampe Museum were build by Carl. Please if you any idea where the information can be found contact Carl or us.


Marquain Aerodrome BOSTA 6 of BOGHOL 5 1918 I have been trying to find out the details of the aerodrome at Marquain, Belgium in 1918. I believe it was the home of BOSTA 6 of BOGHOL 5, a German bomber unit operatingthe Friedrichshafen GIIIa. I have been struggling to find anyone in the UK who could help me and wondered if you might either have anyinformation or be able to refer me to someone in Belgium who might be able to help. Many thanks Mike Andrew Manchester UK  Mike.Andrew@MAELbox.com


To join us, see



If this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html
Provided to you by the Brussels Air Museum Foundation (www.bamf.be ) and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm
News 07/12/2008
Hello World,
A very busy week again. 
On December 4th, the Museum evening was a success with a lot of visitors at the Museum. The effort of the Museum staff to offer another perspective to their guests was appreciated and the presence of the Federal police, the 1st Squadron and musicians everywhere in the Museum was a vivid link between the past and Today. The guests who visited the Halberstadt workshop received deep explanations about the WW1 technology and the restoration in process. It was also the occasion to discover the Bordiaux Hall in a very different way.
On December 5th, The de Caters exhibition in s'Gravenwezel was officially opened and the book of Pierre de Caters was officially presented to the public. The end of long efforts by a lot of friends. The book is already a success and if you want your copy, the fast and easy way to obtain your copy is to go to visit the exhibition.
The painting of the first Tipsy fuselage is now underway. We will come back with pictures in the coming news.
You will also discover hereafter the progresses on the anti-corrosion process on the B-25 at New ICC.
We are also finishing 2 albums about the de Caters replica odyssey. One containing the fantastic drawings by Dragan. The second one will cover in picture the construction of the replica. Theses albums will offered to our supports and sponsors.
Last but not least the "Belgians in RAF & SAAF 1940-1945" & the André Dillien lists are now updated.

Hoping to see you soon
Museum special evening 04/12/2008
Royal Army Museum Air & Space Hall Brussels -
Dec 4, 2008
The Special Evening happened on December 4th. Luc and his colleagues prepared a lot of new features to present the Museum at his best. Pictures of the successfully event, including some nice pictures from Karl.
If you are having problems viewing this emai, copy and paste the following into your browser:
Belgians in RAF and SAAF 1940 1945
Brussels Air Museum -
Dec 6, 2008
Leopold Heimes & Dirk Frimout by Marc Artiges
Enlist ! The group supported by the bamf focus on Belgian aircrews who operated with the RAF and SAAF during World War II. These pictures are only a few examples of the marvels discovered by the group. To see more, to learn about the project or join visit http://www.bamfbamrs.be/RAF/index.htm
If you are having problems viewing this album, copy and paste the following into your browser:
A B-25 back to Belgium : The wings & the fuselage under process at new ICC.
New ICC Lokeren - Nov
The wings and the fuselage are now under process at New ICC. The operation is planned to be completed end January 2009. You can find more information about the project at http://www.bamf.be/?A_B-25_Back_to_Belgium
If you are having problems viewing this email, copy and paste the following into your browser:
Voisin de Caters inauguration
Brussels Air Museum -
Dec 6, 2008
More pictures by Karl
Pictures about the inauguration of the replica of the Voisin de CatersYou can find more details about this project at
and http://
Pictures of the aircraft construction at http://picasaweb.google.com.uk/bamf.bamrs/VoisinDeCaters#
Hoping to see you soon
If you are having problems viewing this album, copy and paste the following into your browser:



December 6, 7, 13 and 14th, The heemkring De Drie Rozen of 's-Gravenwezel, in co-operation with Aviation Society of Antwerp, holds an exhibition on the figure of Pierre baron de Caters, Belgium's first pilot and world famous car racer.

Entry to the exhibition is free of charge. The new 'Baron de Caters' book by Guy de Caters will be on sale.

Place to be : Feestzaal Karel Borstlap, Kerkstraat 41-45, 's-Gravenwezel  (Google Map)- 14 till 18u

Source : http://www.asa-be.com/index.htm



Web update

André Dillien lists : OO-Registers Belgian aircraft civil register, pilot lists updated 03/10/2008
The lists are now updated at Federal police Helicopter Video
- The lists are sorted alphabetically
- The first file "Index" contain a description of the different lists.
- There is a new list "Museum" about aircraft preserved at the
Brussels Museum.
- The file TARIF-FRAGES contains the list and prices of André printed
To ease your search, you can use the sort by date option
Do not hesitate to contact André for corrections or updates

 New books  

Please note : The Sabena 2009 Calendar is still availlable at the shop
BATAILLES AERIENNES N°46 DIEPPE - 19 Août 1942, les combats aériens. by Jean-Louis Roba
See more   
Le N° 349 (Belgian) Squadron au combat 1943-1945 by André Bar & Jean-Louis Roba
See more   
Coming soon A new book on Pierre de Caters is in the pipeline. 'Baron de Caters - Een leven vol beweging’ by Guy de Caters will officially be published on December 8th (a magnificent sinterklas gift) by the Heemkring De Drie Rozen. The book will contain around 120 pages in 21 x 29,7 cm format.  This biography of the first Belgian aviator is written be a relative of Pierre de Caters and contains documents from the familly archives never published before. One of the most renowned specialist of pioneers aviation collaborated in this project.
You can already order your copy. To 1/11/2008 by bank transfer of 14,50 EUR to bank account 220-0416080-83 of Heemkring De Drie Rozen vzw, Kerkstraat 41-45, 2970 ‘s-Gravenwezel. After 1/11/2008, the price will be 19,50 EUR.
In both case, please add 3,50 EUR (for Belgium) for postage cost. Full details at
Current & Future Events
Aviation Aces 
November 13, 2008  until end of april 2009  
See more at Museum Agenda
De Caters exhibition at the Museum
De Caters exhibition in 's-Gravenwezel
A B-25 back in Belgium



We would like to reinforce the B-25 restoration Team.

For this purpose, the bamf is currently contracting insurance for 12 restorers. The restoration activities have already started and will soon enter greater scale operations. Although we are looking for persons with technical knowledge in aircraft restoration, we want also give the opportunity to unexperienced volunteers to join the project on a benevolent basis.

If you are motivated to work on a WW2 aircraft, please contact Nicolas at nicolas.godfurnon@skynet.be 

You can learn more about the project at http://www.bamfbamrs.be/B25/B25-en.htm

WW1 German Radio Equipment : David <mailto:davidpyker@hotmail.com> is looking for information on radio equipments used on German Aircraft during Word War 1. If you have any information or references where he can search please contact him.


Fox Moth OO-ENC colours : Carl Gootzen <Carl.Gootzen@scarlet.be> is looking for the colours of the De Havilland Fox Moth OO-ENC used by Guy Hansez for flight from Antwerp to Congo in the Thirties. This aircraft is still extent in New Zealand. Carl has found a newspapers article speaking of red wings. In the UK, the aircraft was painted in a blue and red scheme. Some of the fine scale models on display in the Stampe Museum were build by Carl. Please if you any idea where the information can be found contact Carl or us.


Marquain Aerodrome BOSTA 6 of BOGHOL 5 1918 I have been trying to find out the details of the aerodrome at Marquain, Belgium in 1918. I believe it was the home of BOSTA 6 of BOGHOL 5, a German bomber unit operatingthe Friedrichshafen GIIIa. I have been struggling to find anyone in the UK who could help me and wondered if you might either have anyinformation or be able to refer me to someone in Belgium who might be able to help. Many thanks Mike Andrew Manchester UK  Mike.Andrew@MAELbox.com


To join us, see
