
February - March 2008

The last Fana de l'aviation (March 2008) contains a very interesting article at Le Bourget Museum. Although the comparison between the French Museum and the Brussels air Museum is difficult, this paper contains some interesting facts.

The French Museum hope to reach the target of 500.000 visitors per year (The Royal Army Museum figures are around 200.000 visitors per year).

Le Bourget is living with strong constraints linked to the buildings (obsolescence and regulation of national monuments).

The Museum employs 115 peoples (Budget 4.000.000 Euro) with a total budget of 6.500.000 Euro.

The French collection depends of the Culture ministry who decided a few weeks ago to settle free entry (losses for the Museum : 500.000 Euro) for political reasons without prior discussions with the Museum.

The reserves are a top priority with some aircraft endangered by poor storage conditions.

One of the most interesting comparison element is the price of the restoration of the A-26 Invader estimated to 700.000 Euro and 25.000 working hours. Although the French invader was in better state that the Brussels' one, theses figures are much above any estimate for our invader.

The French Museum is now busy with a very ambitious plan to dramatically enhance the situation

Voisin de Caters (Pictures gallery) (Project page)

  • The tail wood elements are assembled.

  • Pierre visited ateliers Poncelet to check the manufacturing of the upper wings.

  • Pierre is finishing the final drawings for the radiator.

  • Bruno, René and Marcel working on masts supports.

  • Meeting with the head of the Section to assess the project progresses.

  • Maximum effort from everyone to be ready in time.

  • On search for linen to cover the wings, tail wheels and paint,
  • Wings covering tests by Gerard.
  • A flight simulator of the Voisin de caters under development

  • Contact with a team working on a Euler project in Germany.

  • The MOST IMPORTANT NEWS : the original Dabert booms were discovered in one of the Museum reserves. The elements were quickly assembled in front on the C-119, thanks the Museum heads. This discovery will permit us to boost the works : We have now the correct dimensions of theses booms (elements redrawn), most of the cables are still there and will give the correct lenght. Although new booms will be fabricated by Poncelet, some parts can be used on the de Caters.

  • The Museum started the works for the display of the de Caters and we helped to find the best future position for the aircraft by checking technical aspects.

Dragon Rapide (Pictures gallery) (Project page)

  • Marc, Claude, Bruno et Jean-Marc and Laurent working on the central wing sections.

  • Nicolas replacing damaged plexiglas and finishing the cockpit.

  • Nicolas working on the instrument panel and the electric installation.

Tipsy (Pictures gallery) (Project page)

  • Wings made ready for covering as soon as exterior temperature will permit it..

Mosquito (Pictures gallery) (Project page)

  • Eric worked on installing the original NF-30 exhausts for the Merlins.

  • Second stick to be searched in Vissenaken

A-26 (Pictures gallery) (Project page)

  • The work on the second engine continues.

Tipsy Nipper

  • Wings ready for display, Vincent worked to prepare the display of the fuselage.

Bleriot Olieslagers

  • Authorization to move the Gnome monosoupape engine near the undercarriage location.

Renard R-31

  • Alain, Alain and Ferhat working on the fuselage.

  • Alain D working on the tailskid and undercarriage attachments

Fieseler Storch

  • We are waiting the last wings panels. Nicolas being now busy 100% of the time on the Dragon, Storch wings restoration are on stanby. Plan is to bring the wings in the workshop once the Dragon fuselage will be ready for re-assembly. This will allows to fabric cover the Storch wings and finish detail work.

  • Nicolas is currently mostly working on the Dragon.
    Paint repairs needed on the Argus engine display before to install back this engine in the engine section


  • Restoration coordination meeting
  • The Museum acquired a Bristol Sycamore, more information will follow
  • The SV4 V-33 is back at the Museum
  • The André Dillien lists were published. (see here).

  • The B-25 rear fuselage ready for anti corrossion process.

  • Supports for the B-25 front fuselage built

  • New release of http://www.bamf.be/ almost completed.

  • Regular updates on Belgians in RAF and SAAF in 1940-1945 since Serge is back.

  • www.bamf.be is online

  • North American B-25 J Pat’s Victorie above Brussels by Claude Lesoil.

    The Bamf commissioned Claude Lesoil to produce a painting of the B-25 NO-V above Brussels. Claude already produced some nice renditions of aircraft. You can discover his works on http://claude.lesoil.be/

    NO-V “Pat’s Victorie” is currently selected as the color scheme for our B-25 as this aircraft was flown by some Belgians aircrews. Eric Dessouroux also discovered a picture of this aircraft in Melsbroek in August 1945 on the way back to the UK. The aircraft was also flow by Dutch and Commonwealth crews and her name half in English half in Dutch is, for us, also a reminder to the multinational nature of 139 Wing. Thanks to Paul Van Caesbroeck for the picture.

  • The Voisin de Caters

    The Bamf also commissioned Claude to produce a painting of the Voisin of Pierre de Caters to celebrate the 100th Birthday of the first flight by a Belgian. The Bamf is also deeply involved the building of the replica of the Voisin de Caters replica at the Royal Army Museum. Claude is still working on this painting but you can already discover a first glimpse of his work.

  • Both paintings will be available as posters.

  • Full details on http://www.bamf.be/?What%27s_going_on_%3F

Belgians in RAF and SAAF 1940-1945

  • Regular updates on Belgians in RAF and SAAF in 1940-1945 since Serge is back

  • Contacts with Michel de Norman and the son of Jean-Paul Vermeiren.

  • 100 photos + logbook of Charles Moncheur, Air Gunner with 320 Squadron.

  • Special page for the death of Cheval

  • The book of Eric on Burniat is at last stages.

Visit us at Barms site http://www.bamf.be/ http://www.bamfbamrs.be/ Belgians in RAF and SAAF in 1940-1945
