if this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html
and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm
You are welcome every Saturday to visit our workshop. Hoping to see you soon No time to sleep !
First of all, thanks to all of you who provide information, links, news, agenda to make this small newsletter alive. A special thanks this week to André, Jeannine, Vincent and Louis (and all our excuses to the ones we forget).
Let’s try to be short. Usually, the summer is a quiet period where everyone tries to have a well earned rest. It seems this is not the case this year with some activities everywhere.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first landing on the Moon, a display was installed including scale models never displayed. The nice B-29 scale model is now suspended to the roof of the hall. The staff of the Museum started to move some exhibits to prepare the facade restoration to start in September. This is a good to see aircraft on another point of view. We will come back on the topic. The Dragon is now out of the workshop, a new exhibit for our visitors. The Trainer restoration is going on and the LVG team progresses well on the fuselage. There are also some good news in the tube in the Mosquito area.
The summer is also the time for air shows we included a lot of links to coming events as well to new links to restoration resources and we take a look at a stored aircraft : The Chipmunk.
The summer is usually for reading. To help you with this difficult task, the Fond National Alfred Renard offered to the visitors of the Museum a special rebate on two of their books.
If you feel still tired, we included some links to nice videos and do not hesitate to visit us on a next Saturday.
As you see, unfortunately, no time to sleep. Pictures
Current & Future Events
News 25/07/2009
if this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html
and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm
You are welcome every Saturday to visit our workshop. Hoping to see you soon No time to sleep !
First of all, thanks to all of you who provide information, links, news, agenda to make this small newsletter alive. A special thanks this week to André, Jeannine, Vincent and Louis (and all our excuses to the ones we forget).
Let’s try to be short. Usually, the summer is a quiet period where everyone tries to have a well earned rest. It seems this is not the case this year with some activities everywhere.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first landing on the Moon, a display was installed including scale models never displayed. The nice B-29 scale model is now suspended to the roof of the hall. The staff of the Museum started to move some exhibits to prepare the facade restoration to start in September. This is a good to see aircraft on another point of view. We will come back on the topic. The Dragon is now out of the workshop, a new exhibit for our visitors. The Trainer restoration is going on and the LVG team progresses well on the fuselage. There are also some good news in the tube in the Mosquito area.
The summer is also the time for air shows we included a lot of links to coming events as well to new links to restoration resources and we take a look at a stored aircraft : The Chipmunk.
The summer is usually for reading. To help you with this difficult task, the Fond National Alfred Renard offered to the visitors of the Museum a special rebate on two of their books.
If you feel still tired, we included some links to nice videos and do not hesitate to visit us on a next Saturday.
As you see, unfortunately, no time to sleep. Pictures
Current & Future Events
- B-25 Mitchell (1)