if this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://www.bamf.be/?News
Provided to you by the Brussels Air Museum Foundation (www.bamf.be )
and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm
News 18/08/2009
You are welcome every Saturday to visit our workshop. Hoping to see you soon
Current & Future Events
News 27/08/2009
News 08/08/2009
if this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://www.bamf.be/?News
Provided to you by the Brussels Air Museum Foundation (www.bamf.be )
and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm
News 08/08/2009
You are welcome every Saturday to visit our workshop. Hoping to see you soon Time make us better (and maybe stronger) ! This week we focus on less glamorous but motivating activities. The "Adopt an aircraft" team strike again. The next "victim" was the DC3. Helped by the Sabena team, the venerable Dakota was cleaned and is now bright in the sun. See more in the pictures and please JOIN THE TEAM. There is currently absolutely no project to restore the Chipmunk of the Museum (except maybe for our great children as we have still a lot of work). However when Vincent discovered on ebay a part missing on this aircraft, we asked if there was a budget at the bamf and the part was quickly acquired. The spinner plate is currently stored with the bamf but will be offered to the Museum at the first good occasion. We have regularly visitors of our restoration activities. The number is increasing since the LVG team operates on the wings on a regular basis at the first floor. Thanks to a brilliant idea of the management of the Museum, we started to reorganise the restoration aera and the result is more visitors every week in our paradise. On 01/08/2009, during the moving of the Battaille, we had the visit of Joël Premselaar, a US Navy pilot (from 1939), who served on USS Iowa during WW2 and later as a test pilot at China lake (see http://siris-archives.si.edu/ipac20/ipac.jsp?uri=full=3100001~!239311!0). Bart Vandamme, voorzitter of the Flanders Aviation Society was the guide of Joël. It was a great moment to listen Mr Premselaar talk about his experiences. Bart will publish in November a book the fastest men in the world (see more in new books) and invited Joël in Belgium. On 08/08/2009, it was our colleagues of the Dutch Philippe Deman and André Bar wrote and selected pictures for the biography of Leopold Heimes, the last Belgian of the Battle of Britain and a life long distinguished career in aviation. You can this document in the catalogue under the subtitle Documents. on the site of the Belgians in RAF and SAAF (sponsored by the bamf). We are also happy to help the publication of the first chapter about "Les avions construits en Belgique" written by Charles Maly. Jean-Pierre send us numerous other chapters which we will publish soon. A last word about two of our volunteers, Olivier and Jean-Paul. You will discover an always smiling Olivier (whatever is the problem) in the Tipsy pictures. In the past Olivier did a magnificent work on the Gipsy engines of the Dragon, today he demonstrate every Saturday his skills on the Mikron of the Tipsy. Jean-Paul is a expert in metalworking but you will discover him working on the wood of the LVG (I suspect Ferhat convinced him wood is more interesting that metal).Look at our pictures gallery Pictures
http://www.militaireluchtvaartmuseum.nl/arachna.aspx Publications
Current & Future Events
Looking for pictures and information about the De Havilland DH4 N
Looking for pictures and information about the De Havilland DH4 Nr
5, Grunau Baby PL33 & Rudders of aircraft of the Belgian armed
forces. Our friend Robert Pied (crp@swing.be) is looking for pictures and information about the DH4 Nr 5, the Grunau Baby PL-33 and the Rudders of aircraft used by the Belgian armed force from the origins until 1980. You can visit CRP at http://www.crp-wavre.com/
Visit us at www.bamf.be |
News 01/08/2009
if this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html
Provided to you by the Brussels Air Museum Foundation (www.bamf.be )
and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm
News 01/08/2009
You are welcome every Saturday to visit our workshop. Hoping to see you soon On the move ! As some of us are back from Hollydays, there was a real increase od the activities. Prior to the renovation of the facade, the Battaille triplane and the display needed to be moved. It was performed on August, 1st 2009 using the tilted plan build by Roger and the tool prepared by David. Everything was done in less than 3 hours by Eric, Olivier, René, Robert, Philippe, Marc and Vincent. During the operations we got the visit of some visitors from the USA, Netherlands, France and Belgium. A special to Michele and Olivier who disassembled the Farman showcase. On the Renard R-31 front, the rods were installed on the sides of the fuselage. Vincent painted the registration on the wings of the first Tipsy and Olivier was progressing on the Mikron engine. We included some pictures of the progresses in the cockpit of the Mosquito. A display is prepared to show films. In the publications discover the pressbook of the Fonds National Alfred Renard books (thanks to Charles) We received more pictures of the Reims airshow from Olivier Orban Pictures
Current & Future Events
- B-25 Mitchell (1)