
Airminded 26/05/2010 : Trips : Angers and La Ferté Alais

if this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html
Provided to you by the Brussels Air Museum Fund (www.bamf.be ) and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm


The  2nd Tactical Air Force Medium Bombers Association Newsletter page is updated. The back issues of 2009 and 2010 including the May 2010 issues are now available on the website of the bamf at http://www.bamf.be/Dispersals/ 

Coming soon

l’Extraordinaire Odyssée
du Ier Corps d’Autos
BELGIQUE – RUSSIE 1914 -1918
samedi 05 juin 2010 à 14.00 h.

Wissant / Audembert Spectacle Aérien le 18 et 19 septembre 2010.

 par l'Association de la Mémoire de la Bataille d'Angleterre sur la Côte d'Opale

May 26th, 2010,                                                                   

Trips : Angers and La Ferté Alais 

This week end some of us were at the ajbs airshow in La Ferté Alais (F).  As every  year, some interesting aircraft were present including a Buchon, a genuine Hurricane, Battle of Britain veteran, a Bucker Bestmann or a Klemm  This place is always another good place to meet old friends and this year there were a lot of Belgians there.

Two Tipsy were also on display.

 We added a touch of Belgian smell by offering the book on Pierre de Caters to Jean Salis in the name of both bamrs and bamf. The gift was highly appreciated.

 The spectacle is on the ground and in the air. This year, a group of 3 gliders from Germany graced the sky performing aerobatics. Although some of the performing aircraft are regularly present, every edition of this airshow is different and the scenario is each time innovative.  We are pleased to share with you some pictures taken in this mythic place  We are already waiting La Ferté 2011.

A few weeks ago Nicolas and Vincent went to Angers to collect parts offered for the restoration of the Fieseler Storch by the GPPA Museum. Vincent took the opportunity to portray this magnificent place. We hope the way this museum display his aircraft will give some inspiration here.



 Willy Henderickx send us a pictures of the last Stampe Fly in (Quite better pictures that my pictures).

 Our friend André Fillée is now working on a project to manufacture the replica of a Belgian armored card of World War 1. He sent us information about a conference about the Belgian Armored Cars corps on June 5th, see more in the Coming soon section.

 From the ever sunny Alsace, Erik Janssonne send us information about a Fly in to be organized in Colmar on June 26th and 27th.  This meeting focus on Bucker & Stinson aircraft but any flying visitor is welcome. Take because Colmar and his region is wonderful as well as are the wines, gastronomy and shopping there. Belgians are welcome. See the Coming soon section

Our comic strip page is updated with books about the history of aviation. Amongst the authors, Marcel Uderzo of Asterix fame (Thanks Vital Ferry for the information).   

A book about the Renard R36 is in the tube. We hope to have more information next week.  





If a picture tell more than 1000 words, you have now more than 450 pictures to discover. You are allways wellcome with feedbacks, news or enquiries. Thanks to André, Willy, Vital, Erik and Vincent for information.

Many happy landings.


Since Many years, Daniel Brackx (www.baha.be) works on the fascinating history of the German aircraft delivered to Belgium after WW1. Some of these aircraft were captured but many others were delivered directly from the factories in reparation paid according to the Versailles treaty of 1919. Until now, Daniel identified 400 aircraft. He is searching any information which can help to complement this unknown part of our aviation history. If you can help, please do not hesitate to contact Daniel at brackda@gmail.com.

Daniel is also looking for the serial number of the Spad XIII found many year ago at the Université du Travail in Charleroi and exchanged with the Bourget Air Museum.

Do not hesitate to forward and share theses news with anyone who could be interested.
You are always welcome to share news or links with us, just drop us a mail at airminded@bamf.be
To join our mailing list, just send a mail to airminded@bamf.be.


Airminded 11/05/2010 : German aircraft in Belgium, Feedbacks, Airshowtrips, Video Brussels airport in 1920

if this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html
Provided to you by the Brussels Air Museum Fund (www.bamf.be ) and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm


The 2nd Tactical Air Force Medium Bombers Association Newsletter page is updated. The back issues of 2009 and 2010 including the May 2010 issues are now available on the website of the bamf at http://www.bamf.be/Dispersals/

Coming soon

Stampe Flyin 15-16/05/2010

Wissant / Audembert Spectacle Aérien le 18 et 19 septembre 2010.

par l'Association de la Mémoire de la Bataille d'Angleterre sur la Côte d'Opale

May, 2010

In search of : German aircraft delivered to Belgium after WW1

Since Many years, Daniel Brackx (www.baha.be) works on the fascinating history of the German aircraft delivered to Belgium after WW1. Some of these aircraft were captured but many others were delivered directly from the factories in reparation paid according to the Versailles treaty of 1919.

Until now, Daniel identified 400 aircraft. He is searching any information which can help to complement this unknown part of our aviation history. If you can help, please do not hesitate to contact Daniel at brackda@gmail.com.

Daniel is also looking for the serial number of the Spad XIII found many year ago at the Université du Travail in Charleroi and exchanged with the Bourget Air Museum.

Feed back & publications.

Exhibition St Ghislain & inauguration of the monument Lancaster JI-C 514 Squadron : Both events were great successes. More than 800 persons visited the exhibition in St Ghislain including many childrens of the local schools. A proof what the initiative of Philippe reached his targets to keep the memory alive. Dirk send us a link to pictures of the event in Schendelbeke. Dominique Timperman (www.sikoks.be.) published pictures of the open doors for the 20th anniversary of the Bierset airport (See Galleries photo on http://www.sikoks.be/Pages%20OK/Sommaire.htm ). The last Cibles/Vizier newsletter of the Museum contains an article about the restoration of the Mosquito and our friends of Avions published the last news of the Museum in their number 175 http://www.klm-mra.be/klm-new/frans/main01.php?id=menu_links/vizier http://www.klm-mra.be/klm-new/nederlands/main01.php?id=menu_links/vizier http://www.avions-bateaux.com/fr/catalogue-avions-catalogue_1413.html

For our pleaure the last newsletter of the CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION ET DE RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES de la base aérienne 133 "Commandant Henry Jeandet" de Nancy-Ochey (Avril - Mai 2010= N°14 is availlable at http://fr.calameo.com/read/0002578937406ec7aefa4

Last but not least the last Dispersal (May 2010) is availlable at http://www.bamf.be/Dispersals/

Airshow trips

Since many years some of us enjoy every years to go to airshows abroad thanks to airshowtrips.com http://www.airshowtrips.com If you want to go to Duxford or Fairford transported in a comfortable coach and rest during the return trip, here is the place.The list of visited events for 2010 is now available in Dutch (http://www.airshowtrips.com/programma2010.html) and French (http://www.airshowtrips.com/programme2010.html) Thanks to Vincent and Lucien for the information


Discover what was air travelling in the years 1920's with the film on the Haeren airport.

Do not hesitate to forward and share theses news with anyone who could be interested. You are always welcome to share news or links with us, just drop us a mail at airminded@bamf.be To join our mailing list, just send a mail to airminded@bamf.be.


Airminded 30/04/2010 : Le baron de CATERS (1875-1944) - Ou la fol

if this message is not correctly displayed you can read it at http://bamfbamrs.blogspot.com/index.html
Provided to you by the Brussels Air Museum Fund (www.bamf.be ) and the Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society (http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/introduction.htm


The  2nd Tactical Air Force Medium Bombers Association Newsletter page is updated. The back issues of February, May and August are now available on the website of the bamf at http://www.bamf.be/Dispersals/ 

Coming soon

Inauguration of the monument
Lancaster JI-C 514 Squadron P
lease note the rendez-vous at 10:00 Address of the day : Moenebroekstraat, Schendelbeke-Geraardsbergen.
More details here thanks to Dirk

  Stampe Flyin 15-16/05/2010

Wissant / Audembert Spectacle Aérien le 18 et 19 septembre 2010.

 par l'Association de la Mémoire de la Bataille d'Angleterre sur la Côte d'Opale

April, 2010                                                                   

Le baron de CATERS (1875-1944) - Ou la folie des volants »

On April 30th, the Royal Army Museum in Brussels, the Vieilles Tiges de Belgique and Guy de Caters presented the book and unveiled a plate remembering the role of Pierre de Caters as the first Belgian aviator

About the book

Par son petit-fils, Guy de Caters

Cet ouvrage de référence à caractère historique présente la vie édifiante d’un homme d’exception, Pierre de Caters. Les courses automobiles auxquelles participa ce grand pionnier sont magnifiquement illustrées. C’est ainsi que nous pourrons découvrir quelques-unes de ces courses légendaires :

      • Paris-Vienne en 1902
      • Paris-Madrid en 1903
      • Circuit des Ardennes en 1902, 1905, 1907
      • Courses Gordon-Bennett en 1903, 1904 et 1905.

La deuxième partie du livre est consacrée à la naissance de l’aviation belge en 1908 avec le triplan Voisin « de CATERS NºI » et le biplan « de CATERS NºII » Les meetings d’aviation de Francfort, de Berlin et d’Anvers en 1909 sont largement commentés et illustrés.

Dès ses premières expériences en 1908, Pierre de Caters fait construire le premier aérodrome de Belgique à St-Job-in-’t-Goor, dans la province d’Anvers. En 1910, en collaboration avec les frères Bollekens, il devient le premier constructeur 4 biplans connus sous la marque
« Aviator » en Belgique.

A titre gracieux, c’est encore lui qui assure la formation et l’instruction des  deux premiers aviateurs militaires belges, Montens et Sarteels.

En 1909, Pierre de Caters sera le premier aviateur belge à se rendre au-delà de nos frontières, en Pologne, en Turquie et en Egypte. En 1910/1911, un dernier long périple l’amène jusqu’en Indes Anglaises pour y faire des démonstrations aériennes.

Au début des hostilités, Pierre de Caters se met à la disposition de son pays et en août 1915, il devient le premier commandant de l’école d’aviation militaire belge à Etampes.

Pionnier de la première heure, Pierre de Caters a montré la voie à toute une génération d’aviateurs belges.

Prix de l’ouvrage  (275 pages avec 215  photos et illustrations en N/B et en couleur) : 55 euros, plus frais d’envoi.

Contact & commandes:
Book webpage catersvolants.be

Royal Army Museum Brussels : Presentation of the book "Le Baron de Caters ou la folie des volants" 30/04/2010



Raid by Wijnmalen 16 october 1910


80hp 1914 Caudron G.III at Rhinebeck Air Show.
More details at http://www.oldrhinebeck.org/collection_airpla

Do not hesitate to forward and share theses news with anyone who could be interested.
You are always welcome to share news or links with us, just drop us a mail at airminded@bamf.be
To join our mailing list, just send a mail to airminded@bamf.be.
