
bam : [BelgianAviationNews] Dassault vend 126 Rafale à l'Inde - Le Point / India will buy 126 Dassault Rafale

  1. Forwarded message - From: Emile RONVAUX

L'Inde a sélectionné le Rafale de Dassault dans le cadre d'un colossal appel d'offres de 12 milliards de dollars visant à lui livrer 126 avions de chasse, ce qui constituerait le premier succès à l'export pour cet appareil français ayant récemment servi en Libye.

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TV Show AB3 31/01/2012 20:05 The Final Countdown (01/30/2012 03:01)
Maybe not the greatest aviation film but not to be missed for the dogfight between the Zeroes and the Tomcats, F-14 sequences and the Carrier Air Group en route to sink the Japanese fleet....

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Video : The German (01/30/2012 02:38)
Thx Dirk for sharing The German http://vimeo.com/user2139017/the-ger... About this video:"Written and Directed by Nick Ryan Starring Toby Kebbell and...

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Abandoned Aircraft, Airfields, Airbases and Airport Terminals | (01/30/2012 02:27)
Once busy places and restricted aera for the general public, abandoned airfields are now fast returning to the nature but the souvenir of their active days will remains thanks some of our friends....

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Tentoonstelling / exposition 27/01 to 31/03/2012 Lemaître Du Big Bang (01/30/2012 02:16)
Forwarded message ---------- From: Dirk De Quick Tentoonstelling: Lemaître Du Big Bang

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New Walkaround: Percival Pembroke RM-7, Melsbroek (01/30/2012 04:39)
Hi, A new walkaround has been added for the benifit of modellers on the Belgian Wings website.It is giving all visible details of Percival Pembroke RM-7 on display at Melsbroek airbase.Pictures by...

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SV-4B winternieuws (01/30/2012 03:41)
---------- Forwarded message From: Dirk De Quick  Hello, Voor diegenen die zich vervelen in deze maanden, hierbij een aantal papieren modellen van diverse SV-4 toestellen Fot those...

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Visit us at www.belgianwings.be http://www.sv4b.be/ http://www.wingsofmemory.be/Eng.htm www.belgianaviationnews.be
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Yves Duwelz

Please use my new email adress yduwelz@gmail.com
e-baha : the BAHA Forum
A B-25 back in Belgium
Brussels Air Museum Restoration Society
Brussels Air Museum Fund
Belgain Aviation History Library


bam : Belgianaviationnews.be : Landings in Beauvechain - New service on the website of Aviation Society of Antwerp - sv4 card models


SV-4B winternieuws (01/30/2012 03:41)
---------- Forwarded message From: Dirk De Quick  Hello, Voor diegenen die zich vervelen in deze maanden, hierbij een aantal papieren modellen van diverse SV-4 toestellen Fot those...

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European summit : 2 landings in Beauvechain (01/30/2012 03:39)
In "Le soir" today, 1 danish and 1 romanian aicraft landed in Beauvechain Sommet européen : deux atterrissages à Beauvechain BELGAPASCAL MARTIN lundi 30 janvier 2012, 10:53 Ce lundi vers 10h30,...

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New service on the website of Aviation Society of Antwerp (01/30/2012 03:43)
ASA started a new service for her members (and many of us are happy ASA members and if you are not this is the occasion to join). ...

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bam : Belgianaviationnews.be latest news : Video DVD Mony Van Lierde - Aviation Photography - Tanagra relics - Discover the Veys Collection - ULM Crash


Aviation Photography - Tanagra relics (01/29/2012 09:14)
Forwarded message ---------- From: JACOBS Vincent http://www.targeta.co.uk/tanagra_relics.htm Wrecks and relics in Greece

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Video DVD Mony Van Lierde (01/29/2012 09:11)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dirk De Quick Date: Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 1:18 PM DVD inhuldiging monument Mony Van Lierde nu beschikbaar (duur 53 min) DVD inauguration du ...

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Discover the Veys Collection (01/28/2012 11:35)
Collection Philippe Veys In August 2011, the collection Philippe Veys was given to the Brussels Air Museum Funds to be preserved digitally and put at the disposal of the aviation...

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ULM door landingsgestel gegaan op Kiewit Crash ULM in Kiewit (01/28/2012 02:42)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Laurent Heyligen Date: 2012/1/28 Ter info : http://www.hbvl.be/limburg/hasselt/extern-vliegtuigje-neergestort-op-kiewit.aspx# Mogelijke...

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bam : Belgianaviationnews.be : Problem with the arrival of European chefs of governments - Video P-47 - A pilot of P-47 back to USA 67 years after he crashed


Problem with the arrival of European chefs of governments for the Brussels Summit on Monday January 30th (01/27/2012 04:07)
Due to the national strike on next Monday, the arrival of the aircraft transporting the delegation to the European summit in Brussels face problems as the Brussels airport is supposed to be closed....

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Vidéo : "THE THUNDERBOLTS--RAMROD TO EMDEN" (01/27/2012 03:34)
Thx Philippe for sharing THE THUNDERBOLTS--RAMROD TO EMDEN ...

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A pilot of P-47 back to USA 67 years after he crashed near St Vith (Battle of the Bulge) (01/27/2012 03:32)
DPMO Jan. 9, 2012 AIRMAN MISSING FROM WWII IDENTIFIED The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) announced today that the remains of a U.S. serviceman from World War II...

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http://www.sabenaoldtimers.be updated (01/25/2012 11:46)
http://www.sabenaoldtimers.be/?NEWS_-_NEWS_-_NEWS_-_NEWS Thx Robert for sharing --

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Video ImperialWarMuseum Volunteers at IWM North (01/25/2012 11:44)
A very interesting video about volunteering in one of the greatest Museum ImperialWarMuseum just uploaded a video: Volunteering at IWM North Since opening in 2002, IWM North...

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Ailes Militaires Belges ERJ 135/145 (01/25/2012 11:43)
A la fin des années 90, la Force Aérienne envisageait de rationaliser ses moyens de transport aérien à courtes et moyennes distances. Le 15ème Wing de Melsbroek utilisait à cette époque quatre types...

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Ailes Militaires Belges Falcon 20E (01/25/2012 11:43)
Falcon 20E Les années 70 sont synonymes de profonde mutation pour les escadrilles de transport de la Force Aérienne, stationnées à Melsbroek. En effet, dans la foulée du rééquipement de la...

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Yves Duwelz

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