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(05/15/2012 09:57)
De Vliegtuigen van SABENA/Les Avions de la Sabena                                                                                                                                          John...

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A place to be : Musée d'Ensival (05/15/2012 12:57)
An incredible Museum operated by dedicated peoples showing years of researches. And country around is so wonderfull, why not visit this place. The text is in German but the pictures speak by...

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Event : memorial Gilbert Malrait May 25th, 2012 (05/15/2012 12:42)
Forwarded message From: Dirk De Quick Memorial Gilbert Malrait le 25 mai, 17h30. http://users.skynet.be/2ltmalrait_gilbert/index.htm Dirk

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Phoenix Aircraft BlackShape Prime (05/15/2012 12:44)
To be on show in Saint Hubert this week end (Thx Michel for sharing) see more on http://www.phoenix-aircraft.eu/crbst_3_en.html

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Yves Duwelz

Visit us at www.belgianwings.be http://www.sv4b.be/ http://www.wingsofmemory.be/Eng.htm www.belgianaviationnews.be
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For translation, voor vertaling, pour traduction http://babelfish.altavista.com/

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